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What Do You Have 2Do Today?

Posted by Maria Poeana
2Do - Guided Ways Technologies Ltd.

2Do iPhone App Review.

We are no longer just looking for the quickest way to create reminders, and task lists. The classic post-it on the fridge is being replaced more and more often by smart, complex apps. These apps do not only make sure you don’t forget to complete your daily tasks, and chores, but they also help you keep everything in order, at all time. That’s exactly the kind of app 2Do is. And totally free of charge until Friday, since it is App of the Week in the App Store.

2Do is not only your handy organiser, but can easily become the assistant manager you are looking for. It’s quite intuitive, so adding tasks, creating lists, and finding exactly what you’re looking for when you’re looking for it is pretty easy to accomplish with 2Do. Edit, zoom, duplicate, or delete using intuitive touch-screen commands. Add alerts to make sure you don’t forget some important task. Prioritise your tasks. Long story short, keep everything in order with 2Do.

Your regular to do app

So, doing the basic stuff that almost any other, free, productivity app does, is as easy to achieve with 2Do as it can be. But if you just want the basic stuff, then why pay almost $15? which is the regular amount this app costs when it is not App of the Week. I, for one, find $15 to be a bit too much, anyway, but there are also a couple of perks that using 2Do brings along.

With some pretty cool extra-features

Besides being able to lock the app and individually protect your list, 2Do comes with a Touch ID unlock option. It is compatible, and quite fun to use with the Apple Watch, as well. Its design is pretty similar to the one the Apple specific apps have, so it kind of looks like the perfect combination between Reminders, Calendar, Notes, and a regular to do app. You can either take a quick look at what you have on your plate today, or inspect the big picture with an intuitive, split-screen option. Instantly turn any tag or search keyword(s) into a Smart List. Drag & Drop to move tasks between lists, or set a task for a specific date. Add duration to put an estimate on how much time you expect to spend completing a certain task. Use keyboard shortcuts. And the list goes on.

Spend time to save time

Now, like any future great personal assistant, 2Do needs a bit as training, as well, to reach its full potential. So, even if doing the basics using 2Do looks like a piece of pie, enjoying the app at its fullest might imply a bit more than just tapping a couple of buttons to see what happens. Trial and error is, nonetheless, an option. But after putting so much work into the app, the creators of 2Do also want to teach you all its secrets. So, even if some options the app has to offer may not be so intuitive, and easy to come across as others, you have an extensive Tutorial to guide you. Plus, a 2Do YouTube Channel you can subscribe to, and see how everything works.

Totally free of charge this week

All in all, there has been a lot of work put into 2Do, one can easily see that. And, although I’m not quite the fan of spending more time discovering how an app works, instead of just using it, I can appreciate the perks of investing time, and money into 2Do. Plus, this week you only need to spend time to understand it, since money is not an issue as long as it is App of the Week. So, if you’re a busy bee looking for something more than a regular to do app, then I think giving 2Do a try this week would most likely be a win.


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Developer: Guided Ways Technologies Ltd.
Category: Productivity
Version reviewed: 3.5
Price: Free

Our Rating

4 / 5

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