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Stuck In A Foreign Country With A Language Problem? Use Google Translate On Your iPhone!

By Bogdan Lazar   February - 22 - 2013    See more Apps inApp Reviews, Navigation & Travel   No Comments

Who here can say they speak 64 languages and can translate from one to another in the blink of an eye? I know I can. I just need to pull out my iPhone and start Google Translate, a free app downloaded from the App Store.

Google Translate offers two methods for inputing the text to translate from one language to another. You can choose to type the text unsing the keyboard or say the words out loud. I should note however that speaking the text instead of typing it is not available in all 64 languages. When it comes to Google Translate returning the translated text back to you, the same methods apply. The app will either show you the text or speal it for you, again not all languages benefit from this.

The app’s interface is dead-easy to use. You have to pay attention to the two languages you’re translating from [...]

Explore The Earth With Google Earth

By Bogdan Lazar   February - 12 - 2013    See more Apps inApp Reviews, Navigation & Travel   No Comments

I’m getting ready for a trip to London this week and I dread the thought of spending countless hours in an airplane seat. Sure enough I can spend that time reading or watching the clouds unfold out the window, but in the end, all I want is to get to London and experience a new city with all its marvels. If you’re like me, you’re anxiously waiting for the teleporter to be invented. But what if you could fly around the planet with a swipe of your finger? Explore beautiful landmarks, crowded markets or the majestic loneliness of mountain peaks. All this without having to endure the airplane? Sign me up. Actually, it’s free and no sign up required. Just download Google Earth from the AppStore and let the journey begin.

With Google Earth on the iPhone, there’s always somewhere else you can be. Explore beautiful places around the [...]

How ’bout A Nice Cup Of Joe?

By Bogdan Lazar   January - 5 - 2013    See more Apps inApp Reviews, Navigation & Travel   No Comments

Live in New York? It’s crowded isn’t it? Traffic’s a pain especially in the morning when all you want is a sweet cup of coffee to get you well started on your own busy day. If you’re having trouble finding a coffee house near you or rather if you’re after the best brewed premium-quality coffee, then take out your iPhone and download New York: Coffee Guide. It’s free from the AppStore and you’ll have access to an up-to-date database of all the best coffee shops, houses and cafes that the Big Apple has to offer.

By downloading the free app, you not only get access to an always updated database of coffee places, but also a marvelous interface design with everything you want and nothing you don’t need. It’s pixel-perfect and as user-friendly as you could dream of. The app will show you a map of New York with the coffee shops [...]

Breaking! Google Maps Helps Luke Skywalker Identify Death Star Trap

By Bogdan Lazar   December - 17 - 2012    See more Apps inApp Reviews, Navigation & Travel   No Comments

Since Apple’s iOS6 debut, the company removed Google Maps as the system’s default Maps app and replaced it with its own internal creation, which people have dubbed to be an abomination. Memes started springing all of the internet, some straight up funny, others as silly as the Maps app. My two favorite memes have to deal one with Star Wars and the other with one of the most used joke intros of all time (photos courtesy of and respectively.)

While the punch lines may still very well apply to the default Maps app, iOS users now have an alternative in the form of…wait for it…Google Maps. Yes, that’s right. The internet search behemoth has finally released its own maps app in the AppStore. And the Apple review team has approved it, thereby making it, within 24 hours from its release, the number 1 top free app [...]

Google Maps missing ?

By Scott Golby   November - 21 - 2012    See more Apps inApp Reviews, Navigation & Travel, News   No Comments

Lost your Google Maps after updating to iOS 6 ? Here is a work around until if/when a new app is released.

- Go to on your iPhone
- Down the bottom in the middle is a -> looking button which you usually use to Bookmark a page.
- Add to Home Screen (3rd one down)
- Click Add in the top right
- Then move the newly created icon to wherever Maps was before hand, say your first apps page

Find Any Place Nearby With PlaceBox

By Maria Poeana   June - 25 - 2012    See more Apps inApp Reviews, Navigation & Travel   No Comments

Traveling or just moving from one place to another can be very fun, but very tiring also. Especially when you go to a completely different place from home. You don’t know where to eat, what to drink, what parks are near you, what museums, shops or hotels. And if you have an emergency, you might find yourself traveling all across town for a hospital, just because you didn’t know there was one just around the corner. But all these problems can now be easily fixed with one app. This is PlaceBox, and you can purchase it from the AppStore today.

PlaceBox makes every place you go to feel as home. If, back home, you knew just what were the best restaurants, cafes and stores nearby, with PlaceBox you can find all these things in an instant, no matter where you are. Whether you’re traveling and looking for the hottest attractions in town, or you are [...]

Place Your Order With Eat24 Order Food Delivery & Takeout

By Maria Poeana   June - 15 - 2012    See more Apps inApp Reviews, Navigation & Travel   No Comments

Are you craving for a tasty steak, but don’t have the number of any restaurant near you? Or maybe you’re new in the city and don’t quite know which are the best restaurants near you. One way to solve your problem would be to go online and Google it. But now there’s an easier, faster and safer way to find just the restaurant or dish you’re craving for, no matter where you are. Because now, there’s an app that is there for you anytime you are hungry. This is Eat24 Order Food Delivery & Takeout, and you can download it free from the AppStore.

Eat24 Order Food Delivery & Takeout is the only thing you need when you’re hungry, or just craving for something delicious to eat. With Eat24, sometimes you don’t even need money to order your favorite dish, since it can help you find places where you can pay with coupons. And that’s not [...]