Where to stay when you travel to the beautiful south Korean island of Jeju, this Hotel Guide will show you.
Where to stay when you travel to the beautiful south Korean island of Jeju, this Hotel Guide will show you.
Travel to the beautiful south Korean island of Jeju with this wonderful picture book.
While the AppStore certainly doesn’t have a shortage of travel apps and travel guides, each application comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. It would not be fair to say that it’s a matter of preference of one over another, because more often than not you only have that one opportunity to enjoy any one location, so that iPhone app you chose before you left home had better be and do what it says.
Amongst the plethora of such apps, Skyyer is a new entry, but one that promises a travel experience unlike any other.
If there’s one thing that Skyyer excels at is the wealth of information it provides. To get started using Skyyer, you don’t need any accounts, just download the individual city book for the city of your destination and lo and behold: a wealth of information at your finger tips. Top sights, restaurants, hotels [...]
Imagine the iPhone live camera view overlaid with Wikipedia content. You’re looking down the street and you can’t recgnize your surroundings, but that museum has to be close here somewhere. Come to think of it, where is somewhere? Well, no more! Simply pull out your iPhone start up Wikitude and start looking at the world through your iPhone’s camera.
Wikitude will overlay the view on your screen with Wikipedia content, providing you with just about every bit of info you’ll be needing to get around and see what’s worth seeing. What you will see is an annotated landscape, location names, landmark descriptions and interesting bits and pieces of information.
You can easily search for your location by address and overlaying info on the real-time camera view of the iPhone. Filtering through the wealth of information is [...]
HeyWAY, short for Hey Where Are You, is an interesting development in location services, that makes use of the iPhone’s OS 3.0 push notification spiced up with a handful of social networking options to keep track of where your friends, family and colleagues are, or keep them up to date with where you are at the moment.
The app was intended to keep you in touch with family members, friends or even co-workers, but the truth is there are limitless opportunities when using this seemingly simple iPhone app. Whether you’re running late for a business meeting, forgot where that all-important date was or want to keep a check on your kids when they’re out clubbing, HeyWAY gives you all you need: one simple interface built for easy access, an enhanced set of features built on top of the iPhone’s OS 3.0, all packaged into one great app. [...]
Even though a car is a pretty big thing to lose and/or misplace, finding where you parked it before going for a walk can be a pain, especially when you’re in an unfamiliar city or traveling. In comes Take Me To My Car, the iPhone app that lets you record your GPS location, and recall it when it’s time to get back to your car.
After struggling to find a parking spot in a crowded unfamiliar city, it’s no wonder that you need a map to get back to it several hours later after walking around for a stroll. Take Me To My Car does just that. As soon as you park your car, pin point your position on the map and that’s it. The app uses the iPhone’s 3G and GPS capabilities to locate your car, and even though you could do the exact same thing with the integrated Maps on the iPhone, it’s nice to have [...]
…consult with OffMaps, the cheapest way to get travel information and routes wherever you are. Due to not-so-cheap roaming charges on 3G, Google Maps is not the best way to get around when it comes to mapping and directions. With OffMaps on your iPhone or iPod Touch, quit worrying about costs and concentrate on the road. The app lets you access maps and location bookmarks wherever you are, and best of all, they’re available right on your device without the need to go online for the info. The maps are stored directly on your iPhone so you can easily avoid over-crowding your bill with data roaming charges from your network provider. OffMaps includes GPS, multiple zoom leves, location bookmarking and a neat search function.
One first thing to note about OffMaps is that it uses OpenStreetMap, a free editable map of the globe [...]