PlaceBox iPhone App Review.
Traveling or just moving from one place to another can be very fun, but very tiring also. Especially when you go to a completely different place from home. You don't know where to eat, what to drink, what parks are near you, what museums, shops or hotels. And if you have an emergency, you might find yourself traveling all across town for a hospital, just because you didn't know there was one just around the corner. But all these problems can now be easily fixed with one app. This is PlaceBox, and you can purchase it from the AppStore today.
What is PlaceBox
PlaceBox makes every place you go to feel as home. If, back home, you knew just what were the best restaurants, cafes and stores nearby, with PlaceBox you can find all these things in an instant, no matter where you are. Whether you're traveling and looking for the hottest attractions in town, or you are starting a new life in an unknown place and you're looking for schools, parks, churches and hospitals nearby, PlaceBox is all you need to get yourself settled in. And even if you're not on the move, PlaceBox can still surprise you with places you never knew were nearby.
PlaceBox is the type of app that is ready to be used as soon as it finished downloading. Just let it detect your current location or search for a particular address, and you're set to go. See what restaurants are near you, and which make deliveries or takeouts. Find bars and nightclubs, spas, beauty salons and hair dressers. Check out movie theaters, movie rental places, stadiums, zoos, aquariums and parks near you. Find out where you can buy a new bike, housing products, and even flowers or an engagement ring for your girlfriend. And that's not all!
PlaceBox gets you out of the messiest situation, and shows you fun places nearby
Let's say you just moved in a new apartment and you don't know the neighborhood very well. And, it so happens you wake up in the morning and your bathroom is flooded. A pipe just cracked and you have absolutely no idea who to call. Well now, instead of panicking and calling all your friends to help, you only need a single tap to turn on PlaceBox, and search for a plumber nearby. Or a locksmith when you lock yourself out on the first day of moving in. Or find a Car Repair Center or a Gas Station Nearby, when your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere.
As you can see, you can find pretty much anything nearby with PlaceBox. And finding places isn't the only thing you can do with this app. You can also check in straight from the app and share your location with your friends via Twitter or Facebook. Save the places you like the most. Make a note for every place to make it easy for you to remember it. Call to make a reservation. And, of course, get directions to easily find that place nearby. Plus, if you feel PlaceBox isn't displaying enough places, you can expand the search area to up to 6 miles from where you're at.
So, next time you're planning a trip, moving to another place or are just in search of a place nearby, let PlaceBox help you find whatever you are looking for. It's extremely easy to use, it's fun, and it will always be there for you, no matter where you are and what you need.
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