Readr iPad App Review.
People don't buy as many magazines as they used to. Whether we have become more eco-oriented, or it's just easier to get our information online, or both, these are the facts. So, whenever I pass by a newsstand, I can't help myself from thinking: how long until all these magazines will become extinct? The answer: probably never. At least, not as long as you have all your favorite magazines at your fingertips, just by using cool apps like Readr.
What is Readr
Readr is more than just your basic virtual newsstand. With Readr, you can purchase your favorite magazines, but also go through them at no cost, for a limited period of time. You have all the magazines you can imagine lined up for you. You can create your own library, where you can stack all your favorite magazines, without having to keep them piled up in some corner in your home. And that's not all.
Pay the price of a couple of magazines & read them all
Probably the best part of Readr is that, with $9.99 a month, you can read all your favorite magazines for free. And since every magazine in the library is somewhere around $5 a copy, this must be the deal of the century. From Sports to Fashion, Women's magazines to Men's, Lifestyle to Technology, you can enjoy any magazine you can imagine with less than what you would pay to purchase two or three magazines per month. Now, how cool is that?
Easy to use, easy to store, more pleasant to read
But, of course, you can use Readr without paying a dime, as well. The first time you download the app, you have a 7 day free trial to see how Readr works, and go through any magazine in the store at no cost. Plus, once the trial is over, you still have 20 minutes a month to take a look at these magazines, also free of any cost. It's not much compared to the perks you have by paying the monthly subscription to Readr, but it comes to prove that Readr can be used as a free app, at least to some extent.
Readr does have moments when it's a bit slow, but not to the point of becoming unresponsive. Searches might take longer than what you're used to with the App Store for example, but have patience my friend. It does work.
And the's intuitive. It makes the experience even more pleasant. And, if, at some point, you'd also be able to flip the pages instead of swiping from one page to another, it would feel like you're actually going through a real printed magazine. Only that it's cheaper, easier to store, more pleasant to read, and always at your fingertips. That's Readr.
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