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AniEmoticons - Dim Dim Sum App

AniEmoticons iPhone App Review.

Trying to make yourself understood through emails might sometimes prove to be difficult. Since words can have more meanings, when there's no eye contact, the recipient might have trouble figuring out if you were serious, angry or making a joke. That's when emoticons step in to give meaning to a sentence that can be interpreted in various ways. And if you're a fan of emoticons, you might have tried a whole bunch of apps that give you emoticons on the iPhone and iPad. Now there's an app that has all the emoticons you could ever dream of. This is AniEmoticons and you can purchase it from the AppStore.

What's the deal with AniEmoticons

AniEmoticon offers you the solution to make yourself better understood when sending an email or MMS. Also, it provides you with such fun and creative emoticons, that you'll end up sending emails and messages just to share them with your friends. Of course, it's probably not indicated to use AniEmoticons when sending a business email. But when it comes to talking to your friends, it is the easiest way to send a clear message and have fun.

There are almost 3000 emoticons that you can choose from, when using AniEmoticons. And to make sure that you find the right emoticon just when you need it, they are divided into 28 different categories, including 3D Smileys, Flowers, Animals, Romance and many more. Is your best friend a Hello Kitty fan? Well, with AniEmoticons, instead of adding a classical smiley face to your message, you can use a Hello Kitty smiley emoticon. Also, the emoticons are so diversified, that you can even replace some words with them. From weather symbols to 5 different alphabet designs, AniEmoticons makes your messages more creative than ever.

A teens' app

And if most grown-ups might find AniEmoticons a little bit too childish, this makes it all the more appropriate for children. Since most of them are already fans of the YMessenger emoticons, AniEmoticons brings so many emoticons to the table, that kids will spend days sending tons of emails with their friends, just to show them the emoticons that they discovered. So, if for grown-ups it might be silly or just another funny app, for children it can actually become addictive. At least until they finish sharing all the emoticons with their friends. And since there are almost 3000 of them, it might take a while until they get bored with it.

AniEmoticons is a fun app, I'll give you that, but not nearly as funny or educative for a grown-up to purchase it for himself or his child. But, not all hope is lost, since there's a group who probably has exactly what it takes to purchase and find AniEmoticons to be a great app. The teens. And AniEmoticons has got a good chance of becoming a hit among them.


  • aniemoticons-iphone-app-review-message
  • aniemoticons-iphone-app-review-flowers
AniEmoticons icon

Developer: Dim Dim Sum App
Category: Entertainment
Version reviewed: 2.0
Price: $0.99

Our Rating

3.5 / 5

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