It’s almost January 1st, 2010 is creeping up on us and there are only a few days left to enjoy the wonders 2009 brought to us. We saw the iPhone 3GS being released with thousands of new APIs for developers and whole set of new functionalities for us, the users. We celebrated together as the AppStore hit its 1 billionth download milestone. Now, the AppStore holds over 140,000 applications and games. There’s much to be proud about what Apple has done with iTunes. But remember one thing Apple! Nothing would have been possible without independent crafty developers, dedicated teams and first and foremost all the hundreds of thousands of anxious users that cross the iTunes’ gates every single day, and 28 times as much on a holiday.
So, instead of preaching about Apple for much longer, I dedicate 2009 to you! You, the avid [...]