Instatim iPhone App Review.
Right. So we have Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Vine, Twitter, Tumblr, and a slurp of others. Another one can't hur right? That's what Path said 2 and a half years ago. It wasn't wrong. A beautiful UI, a great concept, people flocked to it. Fast forward to the present, and Path is dealing with a privacy hell storm. Users reported that the app emailed and called their contacts without their consent. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Instatim aims to swoop in and get the laurels when it users talk privacy.
A new social network
In case you were wondering, Instatim is an iPhone app that proposes yet another social network, one that's more personal, more private. You can share simple updates (your status) and availability (busy, not busy or don't know) with your selected friends picked up from your contacts list. You can't connect Facebook. No, not Twitter either. In fact, Instatim is totally standalone. You start your network from scratch. You can't import friends from somewhere else. There are no public profiles that anyone can view. In fact, you can't search for people on Instatim unless they're on your contacts list or have their email address.
The app will display a feed of your friends' current status, while ignoring their past updates. This way, you always have the most recent updates from all your friends. If your friends have opted to share their location as well, a map will show up with their location. The feed is nicely designed, simple and you instantly know what your Instatim friends (no pun intended) are up to. Each update has a lifespan, so once it expires, that status is no longer relevant. You are asked to set that lifespan with each status update. A default can also be set.
Adding friends
When you first sign up for Instatim, be prepared for a ghost town. To bring some people in, you need to allow Instatim to connect to your contacts list. From there, you can select which friends to invite to Instatim by emailing or iMessaging them. You can't do it in bulk, you have to do it one by one. I don't really understand why, because the email is already written out for you and you have to press send. Why not allow a one-tap invite?
Erm..I meant groups. You can create groups and share updates only with the people in that group. Groups should be pretty familiar to those of you who frequent Google+. You can add friends from your contacts list to one or another group and can create as many groups as you want.
The Google+ conondrum
Simply put, a social network is only as good as the people on it. That's why Google+ isn't getting the traction it should. The idea is that you can't slap a name to your network and expect it to skyrocket. Google may still be learning this. Instatim, yet another Insta
But, as long as you can convince your friends to jump on the Instatim ship, then keeping in touch with what they do will be not only painless, but a simple, clutter-free experience.
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