Joy Tales iPad App Review.
Children love stories and they always want you to read a new one for bedtime. With the iPad, you can browse through hundreds of apps and stories that will save you the time of making up those once upon a time stories. And Joy Tales are just that, tales that will surely make your child fall asleep peacefully every night. The app is available only for the iPad and it features one free story (TAB the bat) and 11 more original ones that you can download via InApp purchase.
TAB the bat
The story of TAB the bat begins in the castle upon the hill. TAB is a white bat amongst a family of black bats and through a series of animated scenes, he will learn that being different has its advantages. The story is cute and inventive, without complicating the storyline too much though. It’s definitely suited for children ages 2 to 4.
You can choose to read the story page-by-page to your child, or let the app read aloud the story as your child touches the various characters on the screen to see wonderful animations.
More stories available
Once you finish reading TAB the bat, you are given the option to purchase Camelia the Giraffe for $3.99. The bookstore doesn’t present you with all the 12 books straight away, which is a bit annoying because you can’t choose a specific book, you need to buy and read them all one by one. The books will appear at a rate of about one per month, as the Desdoo team mentioned.
Children games to boot
Joy tales will also have a series of interactive games that go together with each of the books. For TAB the bat, your child can play card-memory games, where he has to flip and match a set of cards featuring characters from the book, draw or learn how to count and the alphabet.
Joy Tales offers a bigger collection of books than other apps, but be prepared to actually spend quite a hefty sum of money to access them all. Kids will definitely love them!
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I stand corrected! Thanks for clearing that up. I'll modify the review accordingly!
Hello! First of all thanks for the review of Joy Tales, we’d like only like to explain that there isn’t a specific need to buy Camelia to see the other books, they will simply be available at a rate of about one per month. Next week will become available the third book “The Three Prairie Dogs” and you will be able to preview and buy that directly, without being forced to buy Camelia (even if she will surely be sad about that !!!). Hope to have cleared any possible misunderstanding in our communication.
The DESDOO Team,
Have fun and joy tales !!