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Get Productive With Things (revised)

Posted by Maria Poeana
Things - Cultured Code GmbH & Co. KG

Things iPhone App Review.

Things is probably one of the most popular Productivity apps. If you ever looked for a good reminder app, then you surely came across Things. And if the price seemed to be the only inconvenience, you should be happy to know that Things is now totally free of charge. This week only, though. Because it is App of the Week in the App Store.

How it works

Things is a Productivity app that gives you all the tools you need to keep all your To Dos in order, so you can make sure you never forget important tasks, household chores, birthdays or whatever else is important to you. Things organises your disorganised chores into a well-built task list. It’s intuitive, and extremely easy to use. Select from the menu whether you want to add a new task, or a project. Tap on the “+” button. Write down all the necessary details you need for the task, and you’re done.

Get your tasks in order

Things is 100% oriented towards keeping your tasks as organised as possible. Therefore, you can organise your tasks in various ways. Organise them by importance, time, type, and so on. Then, easily find all the tasks you need to do Today. The Next folder contains the tasks that are not so urgent, but should be done if you still have enough time left. Your Someday folder is for all the tasks you’d like to complete, but don’t yet know when you could do that. Create folders according to the type of tasks you add. Household tasks, personal, work related, money related, fun & parties. Whatever you can think of, whatever would make it easier for you to complete these chores, Things is here to get your tasks in order.


What I really liked about Things is that you can also add tags to your tasks that will give you a better sense of how long it will take you to complete the task, its importance, the energy level it requires, and all the other necessary details you need to add. And to make things even easier for you, Things has a Siri incorporated option that allows you to easily add tasks by simply telling them to Siri. Whenever, and wherever you are. As long as your device is connected to the internet.


Now, what I really don’t like about Things. It’s well structured, intuitive, and easy to use. But then, again, so are other Productivity apps with the same functionality as Things. And they don’t cost half as much as Things. Some are even free. Take Todoist, for example. You can do with it almost everything you can with Things. You have folders to better organise your tasks. You can set priority levels. Add not only a date when you must complete the task, but also a time that allows you to put an alarm. You can add notes, and tags, as well. The design is pretty similar to the one Things has. Plus, you gain points for completing tasks. It’s intuitive, fun, easy to use, productive, and totally free of charge. So, the obvious question is, why pay $19.99 for Things, when I can have all the perks of this app, totally free of charge, with Todoist, or other similar apps?

So, truth be told, on any other day, I wouldn’t even consider downloading Things. It’s not that it doesn’t work, or it’s not a good app. It is a good app. But for almost $20, an app shouldn’t be just good. It should be exceptional. And the difference between it and a free app should be substantial. This isn’t the case with Things. So no, I wouldn’t buy it. But for all of you who always wondered what made Things so special to be worth all that money, well now you have the chance to see it for yourselves. Totally free of charge, if you download it this week.

Note: This is a revised version of our original review for Things, which you can read here.


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Developer: Cultured Code GmbH & Co. KG
Version reviewed:

Our Rating

3.5 / 5

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iPhone Review Posted in App Reviews, Productivity & Utilities

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