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iTask Brings Task Dependencies to To Do Lists

By Bogdan Lazar   June - 17 - 2011    See more Apps inApp Reviews, Business & Finance   No Comments

Even if you’re fed up with ToDo apps, even if iOS5 will have its own Reminder app, even if you still use pen and paper, iTask is definitely worth a look. The iPhone app from TopLineSoft Systems provides its users with a more complex look at your classic ToDo lists. Its most notable characteristic is the diagramming interface it uses to create tasks and link them together in complex (or simple) dependencies.

You use them all the time, but perhaps you don’t call them that. Every project you work on is comprised of a number of tasks that follow a certain flow, a certain sequence, if you will. When writing a review for an iPhone app, for example, I first need to download the app (Task A), then test it and play with it (Task B), then I can work on any of the following, in any order I want (cutting my screenshots, getting the icon for the app, writing the review) and [...]

An All-In-One Money Planner

By Bogdan Lazar   January - 11 - 2011    See more Apps inApp Reviews, Business & Finance   2 Comments

Starting up the app leaves you amidst a multitude of buttons, options and numbers. It seems like there are some options to configure pretty much everywhere you look. I won’t deny it, much like HomeBudget, LohasMoney seems to accentuate the fact that finances are not for everyone.

However, both apps do a good job at making your life easier. Things must first become complicated in order to become simple. So to start with, go ahead and configure some of the options in the Settings menu (bottom-right corner). There are a handful of options available, but what’s most important is selecting the currency and setting up a password lock.

Be aware that every button tap in the app had an annoying sound associated with it. Thankfully, these can be turned off, and you can safely concentrate on your finances.

One other important aspect to [...]

How much is server downtime costing your business?

By Bogdan Lazar   November - 22 - 2010    See more Apps inApp Reviews, Business & Finance   No Comments

Server failures happen frequently, and even though they go unnoticed most of the times, IT guys always want to know what and why it happened and managers want to know how much it cost the business. DT Calculator from Storagepipe attempts to deal with the second part of the inquiry. DT Calculator allows users to calculate the cost of server failure by correlating various constants that define their business, such as Yearly Revenue, Business Hours in a Year and employee data.

The iPhone app features just one screen where you need to focus your attention. Fill in as little as six fields and the app calculates loss for you. Fields include Yearly Revenue, Business Hours in a Year, Impact on Sales, Number of Employees Affected, Average Employee Cost per Hours and Average Percentage They Are Affected. [...]

Spread Betting, Risky Business and CMC Market’s New iPhone App

By Bogdan Lazar   October - 15 - 2010    See more Apps inApp Reviews, Business & Finance   1 Comment

If you’re like me (ie. a tech-savvy guy with no knowledge of the stock market), then you’d probably disregard CMC Market’s newly launched spread betting app (link) bearing the same name as the company itself. But that would be to your loss, because spread betting is not the same as stock exchange. Spread betting is a simple and cheap way to make tax-free profits quickly, but at a high risk.

Spread betting simply allows you to speculate on whether the price of something will rise or fall by the end of the day. It’s a risky gamble to bet on whether the euro will rise or if Google’s share prices will fall. Take the risk and you stand to make a profit. You don’t need to buy the actual asset you want to trade, but rather bet on the prices offered by the spread betting provider. CMC Markets is one such provider.

The App That Lets You Fill Out Forms. Paperless!

By Maria Poeana   January - 25 - 2010    See more Apps inApp Reviews, Business & Finance   No Comments

I’ve seen my share of scanner-type apps in the AppStore, with most of them being just spoof iPhone apps (X-Ray scanners, fingerprint scanners to name a few), and others just being able to capture data as a photo that’s not much different than the iPhone’s Camera app. Today, I’m introducing a new kind of app to you. An app that lets users take a picture of any document (scan it if you will), and take the process to another level by letting you fill it out, sign it and even email it as a PDF document. All right from your iPhone or iPod Touch. This is Touch-Fill-Go.

With Touch-Fill-Go, you take charge of managing even the most routine forms and documents you need to fill out on a daily basis. Be it a t work, or at home, health forms or school forms, even the simplest time card can be done seamlessly right on your iPhone. [...]

The Complete Time Tracking And Billing Solution On Your iPhone

By AppBite Team   January - 25 - 2010    See more Apps inBusiness & Finance   3 Comments

Marketcircle has recently released Billings Touch for your iPhone to accompany their already top-notch invoicing software Billings (on the MAC). For those that don’t know what it is, Billings is a professional time billing and invoicing software available on the MAC. It allows you to track time you spend on projects via a convenient menubar timer, that won’t interfere with any of your running applications. You can send fully customizable invoices to clients at the click of a button, and even schedule recurring invoices for clients you bill for the same services every month. For you busy folks out there, Billings will automatically alert you whenever a client fails to pay an invoice, so you never let one fall through the cracks.

On the iPhone, Billings Touch will complement and add new features to the popular desktop [...]

Banking knowledge at your fingertips

By AppBite Team   August - 25 - 2009    See more Apps inApp Reviews, Business & Finance   4 Comments

If you’ve spent so many hours waiting in line at the bank only to find out that you don’t qualify for that credit line, or that the payment plan is not what you thought it would be, then maybe it’s time to educate yourself with a little helpful app that provides all the reference you need on general banking terms. Banking Bible for the iPhone will save you that trip to the bank and get you on your way to getting the financial knowledge and planning for your future.

The app will guide you through the basics of loans, credits, personal accounts and provide you with helpful tips on how to prevent identity theft. The first thing you notice when you start the app is the friendly welcome screen and the four areas that Banking Bible is ready to help you with. In the Loans section, you’ll be taken through the various [...]