Elevate iPhone App Review.
Feel like you’re lacking focus? Or, would you like to improve your writing skills, calculate faster or better articulate your thoughts? Well, you could take a Math Course, a Writing Course, a Grammar Course, a Speaking Course…or, you could download Elevate from the App Store. Your all in one, free to download, brain elevator.
I have been training my brain with Elevate for more than a week now, and, it might just be the Placebo effect, but I feel that Elevate puts my (mind) wheels in motion faster. Usually, after waking up, I needed a couple of hours to read some articles, watch some videos, do a bit of research, before starting the actual work I had in store for that day. Now, after a couple of brain exercises with Elevate, I feel that my mind is up and running in no time. Elevate is what really wakes me up in the morning…along with a good cup of coffee, of course.
How it works
Elevate is a brain training app that helps you practise and improve 5 major skills: articulate your thoughts more clearly, improve focus while reading and listening, improve your writing abilities, process written information faster, and calculate faster and more precisely. You can choose to train all these skills, or just the ones you feel are most important to you, or currently lack training. Then, it’s also up to you to choose the difficulty of your training, from Beginner to Standard to Advanced. The Standard difficulty level is, obviously, the recommended one. I, for one, started out with the Beginner level, and I find the Writing exercises easy. But when it comes to Maths, especially since, frankly, I've always sucked at Maths, I’m glad I chose Beginner. Either way, you can always change the difficulty level, if you realise it doesn’t fit your current skills. Plus, as you go further on with your practice, Elevate adjusts the daily training to your needs.
So, once you’re done choosing your interests, and difficulty level, it’s time to let Elevate put you to the test. Your daily training consists of 3 type of exercises, each one helping you practise a different skill you chose at the beginning. You have Memory, Precision, and Pronunciation exercises that help improve your Speaking skills. Discounting, Proportion, Conversion, and Estimation to help with your Maths skills. Various Listening exercises. Reading and Writing exercises. And many more.
Standard vs Pro Account
Training three of this skills, not so randomly chosen by Elevate, is totally free of charge. Elevate creates a custom daily training, based on your needs, while making sure you practise up to three different skills a day. Now, this is what you get for free, and for the moment, it seems extremely fair to me. However, if you decide to upgrade your account to PRO, for $4,99 a month, you get your daily training, plus access to a larger, more complex list of exercises, whenever you want.
Basically, with the Standard account, you can only solve the 3 different exercises that have been chosen for your training that day. But in as many sessions as you like. Plus, of course, there are different types of exercises every day, and eventually you’ll go through all of them. On the other hand, with the Pro Account, you can play any exercise, whenever you want. And, the list of available exercises is extended with about 10 more items, available for Pro Accounts only.
Either way, you can count on Elevate
From this point on, the decision is all yours. If you want a Standard, daily training to help you put your wheels in motion, then the free version is the best choice. However, if you’re looking for a more extensive training, with faster results, Pro is probably the way to go. Either way, Elevate is a very interesting and useful app. And so far, I’m very satisfied with the results.
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