Go Green iPhone App Review.
After filtering through the so-called "fart" apps available in the AppStore, we sometimes come across certain applications that try to make a difference for both users, developers and ultimately the environment we all live in. Such an environmental-friendly app is Go Green from Webworks and Applications, the developers behind Cool Facts, that astounds in the simplicity of effectiveness.
The application displays a new green advice each time you launch it, and awards you a new badge after a certain number of tips that are saved up in your Green List for you to revisit at any point in the future. Go Green will provide you with interesting statistics and sometimes amusing facts about our environment, how we currently use it and what can be done differently. The app never suggests that strictly applying these and taking theme as rules instead of tips will lead to a healthier and greener lifestyle, but perhaps even the most stubborn of us can agree on some of them.
This app is a pretty solid attempt from iPhone developers to create a better environment for everyone. Of course, the ultimate action is up to us, the end users of the app, to take note of the green tips, and maybe the next time we're looking to buy a new computer, we'll remember the first tip on the list and consider a laptop. An improvement we'd like to see with future apps, is the ability to flip to the next tip, without having to restart the application, and the possibility to save and share your favorite tips.
We welcome such attempts from developers and encourage you the users to download the app available for free in the AppStore. We are also currently running a race against cutting down trees for a self-sustained little organization called Keep The Earth Green. With our posts and community contributions so far, we are at a modest rate of saving 0.05 pounds of paper a day, but we're looking to increase that ratio and give our helping hand to the environment.
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[...] our Go Green review and while we're looking forward to the 1 pound mark for our weblog, we're keeping to our commitment [...]