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Manage your docs with Documents2

Posted by AppBite Team
Documents2 - Savy Soda Pty

Documents2 iPhone App Review.

Documents2 lets you create and organize files and personal documents straight on your iPhone or iPod Touch. From Word files, Excel, and even Google Docs, with this iPhone app you can make sure you're always keeping your most important documents close at hand and at the touch of a button.

Documents2 takes advantage of the iPhone's huge hard-drive (be it 8GB or 16GB), and puts your own personal document manager in your pocket. It is quickly becoming the top mobile Office Suite app for the iPhone, as the rich and versatile apps are integrated AIO in Documents2. It offers 8 acclaimed apps that stand at the very core of what defines productivity, business and document management.

The AIO includes the latest in mobile spreadsheet apps (iSpreadsheet), Google Docs Connector, WiFi HD, a sound Recorder, your regular text editor, a photo album to take and organize your photos, a file preview application to preview anything from Word, Excel, Powerpoint and PDFs, to image files, HTML and even audio. In addition, the app integrates a Direct Mail option to let you easily exchange documents via email.

Through WiFi HDD, Documents2 lets you transfer files between your iPhone and your Mac or PC. You can also turn your iPhone or iPod Touch into a virtual server up in the clouds to store your favorite documents.

The integration between Google Docs and Documents2 comes as a novelty for such apps, but, oh, such a good use it has been. It is one of the apps in Documents2 that we've really enjoyed as it connects your mobile device with Google Docs, allowing you to edit various docs in your Google Docs account.

With iSpreadsheet, full integrated support for CSV files as well as Excel and Numbers comes to your iPhone. We're especially looking forward to how this feature will develop as the new OS 3.0 with Cut&Paste functionality comes soon from Apple.

Pixi Sound Recorder lets you record sounds at up to 44.1Khz frequency. Record, rewind and playback - it's all supported.

Direct Email Feature - The app lets you send files as an attachment on an email to anyone. It also lets you select an email address from your iPhone contacts.

Your MAC Text Editor also comes to your iPhone and lets you edit text in wide screen or normal view.

As for organizing and managing these various files, Documents2 also provides two easy and effective solutions. File Preview gives you browsing capabilities on your iPhone for Microsoft Office type files, iWork Documents, your image files, PDFs, and even HTML or audio files. Photo Album lets take photos using your iPhone camera, resize and zoom these photos and preview them in a slide show.

Direct Email integrates seamlessly with your iPhone OS and makes use of your address book allowing you to send your documents via email quickly and easily. In fact, the whole Documents2 suite is integrated perfectly with your iPhone OS. Selecting a text document will open the apps text editor, the spreadsheet creation tool pops up for any CSV and spreadsheet document, photo will open your iPhone's camera, and sound will open up Pixi Sound Recorder's interface.

Bottom line, if you're always on the move like us and in dire need for a free app to give you access to your Google Docs files, create Word Docs, spreadsheets and other files on the fly, then Documents2 is the app of the day, a definite must have for your iPhone or iPod Touch.


  • iphone-app-review-documents

Developer: Savy Soda Pty
Category: Productivity
Updated: September 18th, 2010
Price: $1.99
Our Rating

4 / 5

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iPhone Review Posted in App Reviews, Business & Finance

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