iPuppy Chihuahua iPhone App Review.
The development team over at MASQ Interactive bring you the smallest dog breed in the world, the lovely Chihuahua straight to your iPhone and iPod Touch. The game gives you all the necessary tools to play, feed, bathe, and generally enjoy taking care of a lovely chihuahua dog.
With iChihuahua you take control over a lovely tiny puppy you can name however you like. The app puts at your disposal all you'd need to take care of a real-life dog, giving the game a more realistic note. You start off with a pocket full of dollars, but don't expect it to last that long, as the puppy has needs and those needs cost money. Anything from food, treats, clothes and shampoo for personal hygiene, to toys and objects to decorate his room and comfy shelter in the corner, the prices range from a couple of hundred dollars to as high as a couple of thousands.
Amongst the functions most would enjoy greatly is the option to pet the puppy using your fingers on the screen. Doing this will result either in a lot of red hearts coming out of it or bubbles, if it's taking a shower. The whole game revolves around the notion that your chihuahua has needs and it's up to you to balance everything out and breed a puppy that both happy, fed, rested and clean. With everything from eating the right food, drinking enough water to sleeping when it's tired, taking a bath when it gets dirty from playing, you've got your hands full, just as you would with a real dog.
However, the game puts all you need to accomplish that at your very finger tips. Simply touch the iPhone screen and all the options pop into view. You'll notice the top bar letting you know if the puppy is hungry, if it's thirsty, if he desperately needs a bath, if it's ready to play or is dead tired. Then it's all up to you to respond. Feed the puppy with food and water. Make it take a shower and have fun with him in the shower. Pet it and buy clothes to make it simply adorable. The app also gives you the option to change the feel and look of the entire room, including its shelter. Go crazy decorating to make the puppy feel right at home. But don't forget to put it to sleep when it's growing tired. As everything costs (virtual) money, the app gives a solution to this as well. Stay longer in the app, play with it, and you'll be handsomely rewarded. So the more you buy, the more money you make.
The game features a full 3D view, with a rotating panoramic view upon flicking the iPhone screen. The movement is smooth and realistic, even though pretty hard to control, as any screen touch results in rotating the view around the puppy. The graphics are a little rugged, with rough corners on several renders. The sounds on the other hand are lovely and extremely realistic, and with its multitude of functions and possibilities you have to play with the your puppy, you're bound to like it as a virtual pet and watch it grow and develop. The game costs $1.99 in the AppStore, and a lite version with more limited options is available for free download. MASQ Interactive are the makers of iPuppy, the known phone virtual pet series, with releases including a Husky and a Schnauzer.
Developer: MASQ Interactive
Category: Games
Updated: November 28th, 2009
Price: $0.99
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how do you get the option thingyy bar to come up, i keep touching and tapping but i cant get it its jjust the dog on the floor
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