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Control Your Brain With iSubliminal

Posted by Maria Poeana
iSubliminal - Apache Apps LTD

iSubliminal iPhone App Review.

Are you struggling for months to give up smoking, but nothing seems to work? Or maybe you feel tired all the time. Or you find yourself forgetting things that you did a couple of hours ago. What do all these things have in common? Well, for starters, they are all controlled by your brain. And now, there's an app that claims to have found the secret of helping you control your brain. Intrigued? Download iSubliminal from the AppStore and check it out for yourself.

What is iSubliminal

iSubliminal is an app that uses subliminal messages to trick your brain into believing what you need it to believe. For example, let's say that you have a busy day at work today. But, since it's Monday, you find yourself lacking concentration and feeling extremely unhappy that the weekend is over. That's when iSubliminal steps in. All you have to do is turn on the app, choose the areas that you want to mend and go on browsing the internet. As you slide from one site to another, you'll be able to only perceive a flash popping out regularly on your screen, without any visible message whatsoever. But, according to the creators of iSubliminal, while your eyes will only perceive a flash, your brain will be able to assimilate the entire message.

Take for example the case where I’d want to lose weight. By choosing to have subliminal messages displayed to me while a browser the web with iSubliminal, the app would display flashing messages such as “I am losing weight” or “I feel slimmer” to somehow trick my brain into thinking I’m actually losing weight. Those flash messages appear just for a handful of milliseconds, so the naked eye cannot perceive them. They’re meant for the brain.

With iSubliminal, you can control physical urges, your personality, state of mind, ESP and even bend the laws of attraction. Whether you want to be more confident in your strength, or you just want the strength to beat pain or be more happy, iSubliminal's goal is to help you succeed in doing all this by controlling your brain with subliminal messages. And, in return, you have all the power over iSubliminal.

Change it just the way you like it

If you're annoyed by how often the messages pop on your screen or, quite the contrary, you'd like them to appear more often or last longer, you can control how often and how long the messages are shown. However, you should bare in mind, that the creators of iSubliminal suggest that the message be displayed at least at every 1 to 3 seconds, and that every message should last no more than 50 milliseconds, if you're using an iPhone, and 100 milliseconds, if you're using an iPad. Also, you can change other elements, like font, message position, color and even add a background image. And if you think that other messages would be more effective, or if you find yourself in need to change other aspects that aren't already included in iSubliminal's list, then feel free to add, delete, activate or deactivate as many messages and sections as you want.

Once you're all done with the settings, iSubliminal is good to go. But before you rush into surfing the web using your regular browser, bare in mind that iSubliminal only works if you use the app incorporated browser. From this moment on, you're the only one who can decide if iSubliminal really works or not. Because, at the end of the day, only you can choose what to believe: if you got your way thanks to iSubliminal or it was all just one big Placebo effect.


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Developer: Apache Apps LTD
Category: Lifestyle
Version reviewed: 1.0
Price: $1.99

Our Rating

3 / 5

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iPhone Review Posted in App Reviews, News & Lifestyle

One Bite to “Control Your Brain With iSubliminal”

  1. Sunshinesummer2013 says:

    I like it but the in app browser is a little bit limited. I also prefer an iPad app. Or is it possible to use it straight in safari?

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