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Action Movie FX - Bad Robot Interactive

Action Movie FX iPhone App Review.

With the end of the year slowly creeping in, Apple has picked its App and Game of the Year. In this two part article, I'll be reviewing them, one at a time. First I have to say that while I agree with the app of the year, I would have gone another route with the game of the year. But that's another story. So, without further adue, let's jump right in to Action Movie FX, Apple's App of the Year 2012.

What is Action Movie FX?

With Action Movie FX, you can easily turn your home movies into Christopher Nolan-quality action scenes. Explosions, rockets, car mayhem and even robots and aliens, everything goes with Action Movie FX. Have a birthday and filming the birthday boy blowing out the candles? Why not add an RPG rocket blowing up that cake? Or perhaps you're insanely upset with your friend for the standing you up last night? Go and film his car getting rammed by a falling vehicle coming from out of the blue. Send him the video with a little "Take that!" note attached.

How does it work?

The iPhone annd iPad app will let you preview action scenes, pick a scene and shoot a 5-6 second video of the target you want to blow up to pieces. After that, Action Movie FX will overlap the action scene you picked on top of the video you just shot to create an action master-piece.

It's a two step process that literally takes 10 seconds and you end up with your very own explosive action scene built right into your own movie. Once you're done with the movie, you can share it on Facebook or save it to your camera roll.

Available scenes

Action Movie FX is free to download and comes with a bunch of free explosive scenes ready to use. All in HD!

  • 4 free CALL OF DUTY®: BLACK OPS II effects, 2 of which you can unlock by performing some simple tasks such as sharing the app or watching a trailer
  • missle attack
  • car smash
  • demolition rock
  • rouch terrain

Additionally you can purchase additional scenes via in-app purchases, for the low price of $0.99. It truly is a bargain, considering the effects arsenal you're gonna have at your disposal and the HD quality of all the effects. You'll be able to purchase awesome effects like chopper down, tornado action, airstrike or sci-fi packs. The developers promise more effects coming soon!

The only thing I'm not 100% happy with is the position of the camera button when you need to start and stop shooting your scene. Performing the action will surely make your iPhone jiggly. Thankfully, you can edit your start and end points for the video shot, so always shoot a couple of seconds more than you need to, so you can just move the edit the unnecessary jiggly seconds out.

Overall, definitely a 5/5!

Here are just two videos that I did the first 10 minutes playing with the app.


  • action-movie-fx-iphone-app-review-scenes
  • action-movie-fx-iphone-app-review-action
Action Movie FX icon

Action Movie FX
Developer: Bad Robot Interactive
Version reviewed:

Our Rating

5 / 5

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