Bird Hunting Mania iPhone Game Review.
With their colorful feathers and their gracious shapes, birds are probably one of the most beautiful creatures on Earth. And now, you can make sure that even the most exotic species don't become extinct. Because with Bird Hunting Mania, you can travel to this wonderful world, where you will find all sorts of birds that you can bring to Earth. Download Bird Hunting Mania from the AppStore and see how many birds you can collect.
What you have to do
Bird Hunting Mania is all about catching birds in your net. The goal is to collect as many birds of every species to bring them back to Earth and make our planet beautiful and clean once again. There are 11 different species of birds that you can catch and 7 types of bows that you can use to complete this task. From tiny birds like Canaries and Hummingbirds, to giants like Eagles and even the legendary Phoenix, it's your job to catch them all.
Catch birds & earn coins
Once you start the game, you are given a certain number of coins that will increase every time you catch a bird, and decrease with every net you launch. The rules are simple: you need coins to buy nets, you need nets to catch birds and, of course, you need to catch birds to earn more coins. And since the birds come in different sizes, it's only natural that the nets do too. While small bows can only release big enough nets to catch Hummingbirds, Canaries and other small birds, the largest bow gives you a good chance of even catching the mighty Eagle. But bare in mind that the bigger the bow is, the more coins you spend to release every net. So, if you're thinking of choosing the easy way in, and only use the biggest bow, you might find yourself lacking coins shortly after starting the game.
On the other hand, the bigger the bird is, the more coins you earn if you catch it. But, as I played the game, I realized that no matter how many nets I released, I couldn't catch certain birds. Now, there might be other upgrades that need to be done to catch these big birds. Or maybe they have certain soft spots and if they catch their tail or wings in the net, you've got them. Whatever it is, I would have liked to be given these tips, because it's really frustrating to waste 10 nets on a Flamingo and then be able to catch another with just one net, without even realizing what you did right this time.
There is, however, one way to catch any bird that you see on the screen. And that is with the thunderbolt. But it has to be charged to work. So, the more birds you collect, the faster the thunderbolt charges. When it's fully charged, you can use it only once and then you have to wait for it to recharge. Also, running out of coins doesn't mean the game is over. You receive coins every minute, even if you're not playing, and you can also buy coins from the store.
Not much of a thrill
Graphics are really beautiful and, as you play, you'll be taken through 3 different landscapes. And the nicest thing about is that, every time you catch a large number of birds or you just see something that you like, you can capture that image and share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter, with a single tap. Also, another good thing about Bird Hunting Mania is that you can start the game where you left it, anytime you want to play, without having to manually save it, each time you take a break. But what I didn't like was that it lacks that structure to make you eager to move to the next stage. First of all, it takes a lot of time to get from amateur to another stage. And, secondly, you can't choose how difficult you want the game to be. Basically, you do the same thing over and over again without getting that satisfaction that your skills have improved and you're a better player than when you started the game.
In spite of all these things that make the game seem kind of static, I can't say that Bird Hunting Mania is a pointless game. Given the fact that it's free and it's got those nice graphics, it can be a good way of relaxing on a busy day, without risking to end up playing it all day, instead of doing what you had planned.
Developer: Blue Peach and Hortor Soft
Category: Games
Version reviewed: 1.0
Price: FREE
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