Tap Black iPhone App Review.
Are you looking for an app that will help you browse the web and keep your secrets safe? Whether you have a picture that you like to keep private or you're reading an article you're not willing to share, there's an app that can make sure no one knows what you don't want them to. This is Tap Black, and with a single tap, you can purchase it from the AppStore today.
Tap Black's purpose
The name kinda gives it away. Tap Black makes your screen black when you tap it. Even so, I must admit that, at first, I didn't quite get the purpose of Tap Black. And then, while reading its description on the AppStore product page, it hit me. If I had this app while I was in High School, it would have saved me a lot of study time. And it can also be pretty useful even now. If your girlfriend doesn't like you reading about games, or your boyfriend hates it when you spend all day reading magazines, now you can do all these things without them ever knowing, right in front of their eyes.
With Tap Black, you can access any site, take pictures, store them, and write notes. Now, let's say that tomorrow you have a Biology test, and you really can't memorize all those terms. All you have to do is write your notes, photograph your Biology book, or search for the information that you want on Wikipedia. When the test starts, turn on Tap Black, access the page, photo or note that you need, and double tap on your device's screen. Once you do this, it will almost look as if your iPhone or iPad was turned off. Whenever you want to take a sneak peak, you just have to hold your finger on the screen to be able to read your notes or watch your pictures. When you take your finger off the screen, your device turns black again. As the test is over, just double tap on the screen to make it bright again. Pretty clever, huh?
Not entirely bulletproof
The only downside with Tap Black is that if the person you're trying to mislead knows anything about how an iPad or iPhone looks like when it's turned off, he will know that yours isn't. That's because when you double tap on the screen, it doesn't turn totally black. The top bar of the device, with the time and battery life, stays active with Tap Black, while when turning off your device, the whole screen turns black. So, if you take a closer look, you don't have to be a genius to figure out that this device isn't turned off. That's if you're trying to cheat at a test or pretend that your phone is turned off when it really isn't. But if you just want to browse the web at leisure and quickly hide it from prying eyes, Tap Black is the perfect app, since it automatically deletes your history once you're finished.
Personally, I don't like the idea of using Tap Black to cheat. But, I must admit that there are certain situations when it would do more good than bad. For instance, if you're throwing a surprise party for your better half, and you don't want him to see all those related web pages. Or when you have to pass an exam at a subject that you really can't understand, but you're forced to take it. In these cases, when it's used for the greater good, I would recommend Tap Black. That's if you think you can keep yourself from using it for evil.
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