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Balance App Review.

US: balance

I know I do. And I wanted the simplest method to do this. Just one simple app that I can enter amounts as either withdrawals or deposits. If you're on the move constantly, if you're traveling, then roaming charges for checking your account is the last thing you need. While roaming through the App Store the other day, I found just the app for this. Balance for the iPhone or iPod Touch will play its part simple and effectively.

It's designed simply to take away the fuss of keeping track of your account with pieces of paper crumbled up in various corners of your wallet. The app maintains a list of credits and debits to your account's balance. Of course, it's up to you to log in any new transaction that occurs, but Balance will automatically recalculate the account's balance. This way, keeping track of how there actually is in your bank account so as to avoid any overdraft fee is a piece of cake.

The app is designed to accommodate only one bank account, but the developers promise that the next update will have support for multiple bank accounts. In any occasion, this is what I actually like about Balance. It lacks all the bells and whistles leaving room for simplicity and functionality. The home screen will show your latest transactions as you've entered them. From there you can either edit or add a new transaction. To do this, simple tap the plus sign at the top of the screen and enter the details in. Choose the type of transaction (withdrawal or deposit), enter in the dollar amount, the date of the transaction and give it some sort of name to distinguish it. And that's pretty much it in terms of logging in your transactions.

Actually, there's not much else you can do with the app. You have the option to set a password to protect your data. You can sort your transactions by date, or export the list via email. Personally, I could live without multiple bank accounts (there are other apps that can keep track of this. See HomeBudget for example), but one functionality I'd have liked to see is some sort of search function, where you can search by transaction name or, more importantly, date. As the app screen gets filled up with daily transactions, you might want to be able to review what went out of your account last week. In addition, further improving international support of letting the user choose the currency of the account would certainly be a huge plus.

All in all, the simple user in me appreciates this app, it serves the function if was designed to do. And probably best of all, it's totally free in the App Store. For the most advanced users who need more options and keep track of multiple bank accounts, I'd say go with one of the alternatives, even if it means paying that extra buck.


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Developer: Connor Wakamo
Category: Finance
Updated: August 31st, 2010
Price: FREE

Our Rating

4.5 / 5

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iPhone Review Posted in App Reviews, Business & Finance

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