FreeAppWall iPhone App Review.
Do you want to know what are the best paid apps that you can download for free today? Instead of asking your friends or searching the AppStore, maybe it's time to download one app that will let you know all about the best app deals of the day. Its name is FreeAppWall and you can find it in the AppStore.
FreeAppWall is the app that shows you what paid apps you can download for free today. And up to this point, there's nothing special about it. But what makes it special is not the content, but rather its presentation. Because FreeAppWall is more about quality than quantity.
Welcome to the Wild Wild West
The best thing about FreeAppWall is the design. The idea of introducing a Wild Wild West theme makes the app really eye catching. Plus, it allows introducing categories like Most Wanted Apps, where you can find the three most popular apps of the day that you can download for free. Also, you have apps that are free for a limited time, and suggested apps. And to make sure that you don't miss any temporary free app, you can turn on push notifications to let FreeAppWall buzz you every time a new deal comes along.
More quality, less quantity
With FreeAppWall, what you see is what you get. All the apps are gathered on the front page, along with their AppStore rating, so that you know straight from the start how wanted the app is. And most of the apps are rated with 4 or even 5 stars out of 5, which proves once again that FreeAppWall's main focus is quality. The downside is that you will find way less deals than you would with other similar apps. But you know what they say: sometimes less is more.
Once you find an app that looks interesting, all you have to do is tap on the icon and you'll be directed to another page, where you can see and find out more about the app you chose. If you like what you see, you can get it or share it. The app will be downloaded through the AppStore, and you can share your choice with your friends on Facebook, Twitter or email with a single tap.
All in all, if you're looking for a selection of the best rated paid apps that you can download for free today, then FreeAppWall is the only thing you need. That is if you're only interested in finding out about the most popular apps and not about every free app of that day.
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