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One more month has gone by and it's time for another round up of the best iphone apps we've reviewed since the beginning of July. There's perhaps one important thing we should note beforehand, and that is that the month of July we've seen an uprising in puzzle games that have serious potential to revolutionize the industry. We're talking about putting creativity before money, usability before fame and that great idea before anything else. We've had both independent developers and development teams submit some awesome games for us to review, and it's been really hard to say no to trying out some of the most interesting and addictive puzzles we've seen to date. It's no surprise that games stand at the forefront of our Top 10 Apps for the month of July.

home-budget-iphone-app-reviewEven with the upswing in gaming, our number 1 app is a productivity application named Home Budget, a must-have app for both personal and family use, to keep track and control expenses, helping you budget accordingly. It is by far the most complex app we’ve seen so far, and a real must-have for any independent and even small families that want to keep a handle on their budgets and need a helping hand with expense planning.

sevens-iphone-game-reviewOur number two had to go to one awesome puzzle game that literally stuck to our iPhones. Sevens is a Sudoku-style puzzle game with an interesting twist. Besides from filling in the cells on the grid with the numbers 1 through seven, similar to Sudoku, Sevens also features color groups that are randomly scattered on the grid – seven color groups each with seven buttons, that also need to span the same array of numbers as the cells. Needless to say that Sudoku fans were really pleased with the new game, but Sevens managed to attract new gamers, becoming our Most Addictive Game for the iPhone.

metro-iphone-app-reviewYour guide and cab driver in your own city, MetrO, is the free travel iPhone application from Kinevia. After installing the city from the supported cities list, MetrO puts at your disposal routes, maps and every means of transportation such as buses, trams and subway stations, with complete travel and fare information for each. We definitely had on our hands a comprehensive app that's bound to make getting around the city easier. It's of no surprise it managed to get the Most Useful App award from us.

numeri-iphone-game-reviewThe popular game Slitherlink was ported to the iPhone under the name Numeri. The object of the game is to draw a single closed line between the dots that would leave all of the digits valid. A digit is valid when the cell containing it has as many line segments around it as the digit contained within. Couple with the simple and effective graphics, Numeri is definitely one feisty puzzle game that will keep you at attention for hours of entertainment.

1-to-25-iphone-game-reviewWhen talking about that big idea, we were definitely including 1 to 25 in our list. With 1 to 25, it will take wits, strategy and thinking and rethinking to get the numbers 1 through 25 in a snake-like sequence just right, and this is what makes the game worth playing. The variety of puzzles also give 1 to 25 a great replay value. Just when you thought the greatest puzzle games for the iPhone and iPod Touch have already been coded, out comes 1 to 25 with an interesting approach to a new puzzle game, making it our pick for the Most Innovative Game for the iPhone this month.

california-gold-rush-iphone-game-reviewCalifornia Gold Rush from Digital Chocolate is truly a piece of art, a game like nothing you’ve tasted before, all with stunning visuals that complement a great game style. The game is more of a strategy than a puzzle game, you have to carefully consider where to dig and save up enough stamina to get back up, but it will definitely keep you playing for hours.The game had us hooked the very first run with its freshly addictive and extremely pleasant and entertaining game style.

stoneloops-jurassica-iphone-game-reviewPerhaps a clear competitor for Sevens for the Most Addictive title this month was Stoneloops of Jurassica, a game that came out as a smashing piece of art to stand at the fore-front of future such arcade games. A striking attention to details, both graphical, an amazing soundboard, and competitive game levels, Stoneloops of Jurassica features graphics that are simply well done and work extremely well with the game style and name.

cops-robbers-iphone-game-reviewWith Cops & Robbers, you’re dealing with a cartoon-style Parkour game where your goal is to basically run away from the cops. The game play and style is overwhelmingly natural and addictive, but the graphics would need some work to make it a home-run for the developers at Glu. They did manage however to implement some really cool controls making use of the iPhone's accelerometer. It’s literally a piece of cake with Cops & Robbers, a simple tilt of your iPhone to the left or right will do the trick most of the time.

enigmo-iphone-game-reviewThe only reason Enigmo ranked so low in our chart this month was that it was released quite some time ago. Time however did not leave such an important imprint on its value. The game stirred up spirits at the WWDC ‘08 and easily captured developers, reviewers, and users’ attention. At that conference it was voted as “best iPhone game,” a rank that Enigmo can easily compete for with similar puzzle games within its range even today. You can easily tell Enigmo is the result of a lengthy process, with its amazing graphics and high level of detail. The game acts and works fantastic. Truly a timeless and finely crated piece of art to enjoy.

digits-iphone-app-reviewWe're ending this month's Top 10 with a simple app that we were constantly asked to review: Digits from Smudge Apps. The app is designed to do one simple thing: add a person to your Contacts as fast as possible. It grabs the person’s phone number plus the contact name associated to it, and adds it to the Contacts app on the iPhone. If you’re ever in a hurry and always on the run, then taking down phone numbers with Digits can save you a lot of time and hassle.

Well, this covers another great month and another string of great apps for the iPhone and iPod Touch. We can only hope for the month of August for more such awesome apps and addictive games. So stay with us and have fun together as we enjoy some more of developers’ best!


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2 Bites to “July Top 10 Round-up: The best iPhone apps”

  1. Above listed all applications are best and very useful. Many gaming application and other purposed application launched by iphone designers but gaming applications are very popular to download than other application.

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