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Save up on SMS with TextPlus

Posted by AppBite Team
Text Plus - GOGII

Text Plus iPhone App Review.

With GOG II's free application for the iPhone and iPod Touch, users can send completely free text messages between each other, create and manage group conversations with as many people as they want, or opt for a one-to-one communication.

Sure enough, there are other apps in the AppStore that allow users to send free messages just like the iPhone's SMS, but most go for a couple of dollars. With TextPlus, apart from it being completely free to download and use, you get some cool improvements in the functionality and usability of such an app.

One of the most important features is the landscape keyboard that was missing from the iPhone's native environment. Yes, the new iPhone 3GS will let users use the landscape mode across all apps on the iPhone, including SMS. It is nevertheless an important feature that TextPlus saw was missing and anticipated the OS 3.0. Thumbs up for that.

With TextPlus, we get introduced to Group Messaging, that allows you to send a text message to multiple recipients, and their replies will stay grouped together, making the app function in a way like a chat room. When creating a new SMS, TextPlus lets you choose as many contacts as you want or enter numbers manually to send the message to all. When you receive a reply, the app will notify you. But alas, as with any third-party messaging app, unless the app is running you won't get that notification. With OS 3.0, we'll be able to get those notifications pushed. The app also requires an internet connection, of course.

With Group Messaging, a landscape keyboard and the app being completely free, TextPlus quickly made it to our home screen for both the iPhone and iPod Touch.


Text Plus

Developer: GOGII
Category: Productivity
Updated: November 20th, 2010
Price: FREE
Our Rating

3 / 5

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iPhone Review Posted in App Reviews, Social Networking

3 Bites to “Save up on SMS with TextPlus”

  1. Hdhehdifheu says:

    I know right!?

  2. Hducushjxjdh says:

    Text plus is a great app… The only thing is, is that there are so many people using it. That is a good thing but the issue is that when you are looking for your friends, there are so many people with the same name and it impossible to find the right person!

  3. guymontag says:

    fantastic app! its always nice to find a free app that provides so much help with a common task. gathering a group together for something has never been easier

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