The Exonerator iPhone App Review.
We are all familiar with the fable of the boy who cried “wolf.” And most of the time we end up being characters in that story. Whether you are a distrusting person or you find yourself in the situation where others seem to treat you as the boy in the fable, there's a simple solution to this problem. Its name is the Exonerator and it's just one app download away.
What the Exonerator does
The Exonerator does exactly what its name indicates: it exonerates you of guilt if you are indeed innocent. Imagine coming home late to an angry spouse who starts asking questions and not having to spend hours in an uphill battle convincing your significant other that you were just working late. And when you tell your boss that you were sick and spent all day in bed, you don't have to bring the doctor and a couple of friends as witnesses. All you have to do is let the Exonerator access your location and it will follow you wherever you go keeping an accurate record of your location at any time.
But the Exonerator's merit isn't just that of proving your innocence. Let's say that last night you were out with a couple of friends. And they took you to this great place, but since you got there by cab and had too much to drink to remember the name of the place, today you find yourself in a dilemma. How to you get back there? Just access the Exonerator and take a look at the locations it had registered yesterday. And bingo, you've found it!
The great thing about the Exonerator is that it doesn't need an internet connection or even a phone signal to register your location. So if you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, the Exonerator will tell you where you are and show you the right path to your destination. Also, you only have to set your location once, when you start using the app, and afterwords it just works. You don't have to manually register your location every time, because the Exonerator does that on its own. So just start it and forget about it.
Your best friend or your worst enemy?
And if you are guilty and your location incriminates you, the Exonerator doesn't act against you, if you don't let it. Although it registers your location at any time, it only shows it to you and nobody else can see it. So no need to feel that you are being followed or that your privacy is being violated. But there's only that much that the Exonerator can do for you. If you don't keep an eye on your phone or delete the incriminating location register, the Exonerator can turn into your worst enemy.
Guess from now on, the benefit of the doubt won't be necessary anymore. Just bring the Exonerator to the table and it will prove your innocence...that is if you really are innocent.
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